Stefano Tealdi



Stefano was born in Johannesburg and studied in Italy where he co-founded Stefilm. Since 1988, he has produced several documentaries, such as “Vinylmania” (Goteburg IFF, Chicago Int. Movies and Music Festival, Rotterdam IFF…), “Char, no man’s island” (Golden Kapok Guangzhou, Special Mention DIFF- Dubai, Berlinale Forum 2013), “The queen of silence” (IDFA 2014; Doc Point – Helsinki 2015; Silver Horn best doc at Krakow IFF 2015; Golden Nanook – Grand Prix Best Doc Flahertia-na IDF Perm 2015; Best Doc Let’s Cee IFF Vienna 2015).

Founder member of FERT (Filming with a Euro-pean Regard in Turin), he directed 17 editions of the annual workshop Documentary in Europe. He chaired European Documentary Network and he is national coordinator for INPUT, Television in the Public Interest. He tutors on film produc-tion and pitching for organizations such as Ven-ice Biennale, Cannes Film Festival, Durban Film Mart, EAVE, Festival des 3 continents, Torino Film Lab…

Ateliers de Granda-Bassam

About us

Les Ateliers de Grand-Bassam is brought to life by Grand-Bassam Project, a non-profit association that embodies excellence in the film and audiovisual industry. The association is an organization of filmmakers, producers and cultural industry professionals from Ivory Coast, the continent and beyond, who help incubate performing arts and audiovisual projects by applying alternative methods of management, production, marketing and distribution in countries across the continent.

Grand-Bassam Project’s main objective is to contribute to the emergence of a solid, internationally competitive African cultural industry, notably through the development of the performing arts and audiovisual sector, capable of contributing to improving the economic impact of culture and consolidating the employability of young people.

Specifically, the objectives of the Grand-Bassam Project are to :

– Implement and consolidate an incubator for cultural projects and professional training workshops for artists and producers from Ivory Coast and other countries on the continent.

– Contribute to the reappropriation by Ivorian cultural players of the conception and governance of cultural policies, in partnership with public decision-makers at national level.

– Contribute to the dissemination of cinematographic works from the continent Formalize and implement a strategy for the implementation of activities, a risk management plan, as well as a monitoring and evaluation plan for all actions.

– Produce and/or co-produce performing arts and audiovisual works and projects for dissemination on the continent and internationally.

– Intensify artistic education initiatives aimed at children, young people and the general public.

Grand-Bassam Project is in the process of launching its program of activities, which include training, production, distribution, image education and consulting for the first edition of the Ateliers de Grand-Bassam. In keeping with its management strategy, the company’s aim is to combine production activities with socio-educational initiatives.

By working closely with sister organizations in Ivory Coast who share the same passion, Grand-Bassam Project will contribute to the future of cinema in Côte d’Ivoire and beyond.

The association capitalizes on the experience acquired over the last ten years by the Ouaga Film Lab, and projects will be carried out with the expertise required to increase the competitiveness of Ivorian and African filmmakers on the world stage.