Located in the remote areas of Côte d’Ivoire, the village of GNOUPATA, according to a myth, was born from a nearby river called the ‘GNOU,’ which guarantees happiness and prosperity to its inhabitants. Faced with severe illnesses, Amah, Yohou, and Kady, three women from the village, notice the change in taste and texture of the GNOU’s water and hold the river responsible. However, due to its sacred nature and their trust in protective spirits, the villagers continue to consume the river’s water, hoping these spirits will keep protecting them. Given the severity of the situation, Amah, Yohou, and Kady, supported by several women from the village, subtly suggest to the village elders the installation of a hydraulic pump to provide the village with potable water and thus bring it into modernity, like the surrounding villages. Faced with the chief and elders’ refusal, the trio decides to take matters into their own hands to save lives and prevent the inevitable exodus of the villagers.